Monday, 7 March 2011

Saturday fun

As of yesterday, I am back to having just one teenage girl in the house.  I can't get over how much I miss Dizz!  She was good company, helped with Jack without being asked and was just generally fun to have around.

Her last day, Saturday, after dropping Holz at her boyfriend's house we went to Forres to the garden centre there, for lunch.  Jack was in good form, bright eyed and taking everything in.  The café was filled with a lot of older people, mostly women and Dizz commented that we were probably the youngest there.

I told her that when we are in a café, Holly and I play this game where we make up lives for people and how much fun it is.  I started her off and she soon got the hang of it and had me laughing at some of the lives she was inventing.  Then when it was my turn, I said that the "gentleman in the front of the queue was on the prowl and this is where he came to scope out women!".  I based this on the fact that he had scanned the room at least 5 times while he was being served.

the garden centre

Then he came and sat down next to us.  He was making Dizz uncomfortable cos he kept staring at her, so she text me to say that she thought I was right!  Ha ha ha, even Jack found that quite amusing!

After lunch we wandered round the shop and I bought some colour changing solar lights for my garden and some solar lanterns for the patio.  When we got home Dizz took over and put them together and then we put them around the garden.

Later that night, I was passing the dining room window when I noticed the lights were on and how bonnie they looked.  I was really chuffed with them cos they looked so cool! Easy pleased or what?

At around 11.30pm, Holly and Dizz went up to bed as Holly was really tired.  I could here Dizz winding her up, messing about in Holly's room so I sat downstairs and listened for a while, having a wee laugh to myself.

I finally went up about 15 mins later and Holly was standing at her bedroom door, looking at me forlornly, saying "why does the puppy (aka Dizz) only pee in my room?".  I fell about laughing cos Dizz was rolling about in Holly's bed, refusing to leave, just like our puppies when they get on the bed.  Eventually I managed to get myself together and laughingly said "this is what you do to me at bedtime, that's why I have taken so long to come and rescue you! Now you know how it feels" to which Holly groaned "I knew it! You could have rescued me sooner but no, you are just evil!".

I was hanging onto Holly by this time, crying with laughter cos she was so not impressed but eventually she did start laughing. I then sent them both to their separate rooms and fell into my bed, giggling the whole time.

I think Dizz is going to miss us cos we certainly miss her.


  1. What a lovely way to get my monday morning started. I loved this whole post especially the part about you 3 making up lives for the people at the garden center. And to know that even Jack was getting in on it made it even better. There have been so many difficult times for your family that I get so happy reading about the great, funny and happy times that make us all smile. I just hope the good times can keep rolling along for all of you into this week. ((HUGS)) to all 3 of you.

  2. That really was a lovely, happy post. That Dizz sounds like a lovely girl, especially doing things without being asked. Helping with Jack and putting the lights together. Sounds like you all had a real fun time, and I bet she really is going to miss you all.

  3. Oh i must try the makingn up lives for people sometime - fun!!

  4. I like the sound of that game too and those lights are fab!

  5. That game sounds like fun and it sounds like you and Holly had a terrific time with Dizz :D

  6. Odie - glad I made you smile
    Thisisme - yes happy times and she is lovely
    Julie - great fun, the more outrageous the better
    Casdok - the lights are really pretty
    Jax - oh yes we did :)


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