Tuesday, 21 June 2011

I believe I can fly...

As promised, pictures of Jack in his flying jacket

this toy looks interesting

oh oh...she's got the camera again

if I make a face, she might go away

just hanging around, playing it cool

I am trying to ignore her 

now for a close up

getting tired
So there you have it. The flying jacket. It means that I can sit him up without me having to support him. This way he can sit facing me and we can get better interaction.  He was trying really hard to get a hold of that toy and he managed it quite a few times, using both hands.

What a star!


  1. That is so awesome!!

    Scooter sat for the first time on her own when she was 4 years old. It was exhausting, because even though she only weighed 21 pounds on the scale, she easily weighed 175 when we picked her up. I can imagine what a huge help the flying machine is going to be and how it's going to make things so much better for both of you. I'm so thrilled for both of you!

    He definitely looks happy, and that's the most important of all! :)

  2. That is quite an awesome contraption. And he is just so cute. This must be quite useful for you is many ways. You are one great Mom.

  3. good to see you get the same looks as i do when i produce a camera!!!

  4. That's brilliant LyndyLou, and must be SUCH a help to you! Must be lovely for Jack to be sitting up as well. Didn't he do well with that toy. Bless! He's got such a beautiful face.

  5. His smile is fantastic!Love, love, love! :D Thx for sharing!

  6. Am loving the 'cool' pic :) I've not seen one of these before, so another thing to add to the list of the things that might help Smiley xx

  7. Great invention that flying jacket! Love that pic of Jack just hanging around looking cool :) He sure is a handsome fella.

  8. Lyndy! What a great invention, bloody brilliant.

    Jack looks happy as! and so responsive and interacting and happy :)

    i like Kellies comment," hanging around looking cool" lol

    I agree handsome, actually all 3 of you have strong resemblance, jack is much darker hair?.

  9. Janie - thanks :)
    Judy - Yeah I know exactly what you mean! He does look happy as he likes being able to do things by himself :)
    Bouncin' Barb - it is very useful. I am always looking for ways to make him more independent
    Julie - lol I know, I'm a pest with the camera
    Thisisme - he did so well and I was gleeful every time he managed to grab it!
    SkippyMom - it is, I love to see it
    Looking for Blue Sky - I got it from the OT and I use it with his hoist.
    Kellie - I think so too, it's amazing the things you can get
    IWBY - yes we all look alike. My hair is quite dark when it's not dyed red but Jack's is the darkest. Funny cos both he and Holly were blond when they were little :)

  10. What a wonderful invention and so nice for Jack!

  11. What a great invention and anything that makes life easier for you and Jack is a plus, I do not know how you do it somedays it must be so hard for you. You are an amazing woman and never forget it.

  12. Belle -I know, he loves it
    J0-Anne Rambling - it really is. It amazes me what they can come up with sometimes :)


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