Tuesday, 26 July 2011

You are a winner!

Finally I have gotten around to drawing the winners of the Blogaversary Prize Giveaway.

I was giving away a wee box of Scottish Goodies and also a customised set of children's high top boots which Holly worked on.

So I popped all the names into a hat, mixed them up and asked Holly to draw out two winners.

So without further ado, the winner of the Scottish Goodies is

It's a bit faint but congrats Bouncin' Barb

and the winner of the very cool shoes is

Shiloh had to get in on the action! Congrats Sush

Well congrats to the winners. All I need now is for Bouncin' Barb and Sush to let me know where to send it to. Email all relevant info to lyndylou38@googlemail.com

It's been a bit hectic here since we got back from Rachel House so normal blogging will resume in the next day or two. Have a nice day my little gigglers.


  1. YAY! Winners! Glad to see you back. Hope you have a great rest of the week.

  2. Congrats to the winners! I'm sure Shiloh did a good job.

  3. WOWZERS!!! I never win anything I am soooo excited to have won the shoes! They are too cool and I can't wait until they arrive. You have made my day...no make that my year!

    I'll be emailing all the info right away you sweet thing you!

    Loves~ and much thank you thank you thank you!

  4. Hello, hello......I think there's a bad connection here. Did you say I won? I actually won something? Are you sure? haha. I'm thrilled. That's a first. Thanks so much.

  5. I have been wondering what you've been up to. Hope all is well :)

  6. Well done to Bouncin'Barb and Sush! Two very deserving winners and lovely to see them win something. Good of you to do this giveaway LyndyLou. We've missed you round here by the way.

  7. SkippyMom - thanks, it's good to be back
    Belle - oh she did :)
    Sush - glad I made your day
    Bouncin' Barb - yes, you definitely won :)
    Kellie - everything is fine here, hope you are all good where you are
    Thisisme - well deserved I would say too. Aww thanks :)


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