Friday, 8 April 2011

The world is smaller than you think!

Wednesday, I got an email on Facebook from a girl called Janie.  She is a member of the Unique support group and one of the many friends on my page, who support each other daily.

The message just blew me away.  Basically she was emailing me to say that her son had the same diagnosis as Jack!  I had been told that there were about 9 people in the world who had what Jack had but no other details.  After joining Unique I thought I might find someone else out there but up til now I have been the only one. She wanted to know if she could call me so I emailed her my number.


After doing that, I went onto her page straight away to see if I could see a pic of her son and there he was.  He looked so like my Jack, they could have been related!  I turned the lap top around to show Holly and she just let out a gasp.  Yeah, enough said.

Within a short time, she had called and we chatted on the phone for ages. Her son is only 7 but a lot of what she told me sounds oh so familiar.  Not only did we have soooooooooo much to talk about, but she also told me that she had found another mum in America with a child who has Triplication of Chromosome 15. OMG!!

Two mums in one week!


Next thing I know, I have a friend request from Amy, the grandparent of the little boy in America telling me how delighted they are to have found me, telling me her daughter Sherrie is also on Facebook and to friend request her which I did.

This morning I woke to some lovely comments from Amy, Janie and Sherrie on my Facebook page and I am grinning from ear to ear.  It is like finding an oasis in the middle of a desert and I keep thinking it's just a mirage!

You have no idea how bloody amazing this is for me.

Jack is the oldest of the three children. How strange that they are all boys. They have so many questions and I have so much to say!

Aye, ok I hear ya, so what's new???? Watch this space.


  1. how wonderful that you have found other parents as support and you can share experiences.
    You are a wonderful woman and deserve every happiness
    (oh, blog award at my place too)

  2. Having your world become a smaller, warmer, friendlier place is such a gift Lyndy and I couldn't be happier for you. It's amazing :D

    Hugs and love to you all!

  3. It's been a long time girl but you finally have some people you can relate to and help as well. The others will be blessed having you on their side. Have a great weekend and say "HEY" to Holly & Jack for me.

  4. Wow! that's so awesome! I'm glad you found some people who can relate to you and Jack on a very different level. Now you'll have to visit America and stop by my house on your way?

  5. It's truly amazing how small the world is, especially with the creation of the internet and Facebook. That's awesome that you have a bit more of a support system now!

  6. I can imagine how excited you were to find another mum in your situation. As you say, this is a Huge thing in your life, and I'm sure you will have a lot to say to each other. Hope you're all feeling fully fit again now and getting some of the same sunshine that we have down here in Devon at the moment.

  7. I am so happy you have found others who understand your situation and who are going through the same things.

  8. I'm so excited for you!

    It feels so good to be able to talk to someone that has/is/was experiencing a situation so similar to your own!! I know, becuase I also found, 3 months ago a lady in the UK who has a child with my daughters same diagnosis!!

  9. just catching up on things - wow - how good to have others who are in exactly the same position. Nice to know you're not alone

  10. Mynx - aye it's a big surprise but a nice one. Thanks for the award.
    Skippymom - I couldn't agree more
    Odie - have a great weekend too
    JM - lol I would love to :)
    Krissy - it is pretty good and exciting too
    Thisisme - not totally fit yet but am really loving the sunshine
    Jax - thanks girlie
    Kellie - Oh wow, that is pretty amazing for you too
    Julie - it sure is :)

  11. That is interesting and so cool! Really interesting on why these boys have it.


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