Friday, 4 November 2011

One Step Closer

Jack was discharged from hospital on Wednesday and we are now at Rachel House the children's hospice. We are here til Saturday and then we get to go home! WOO HOO!
photo from here

It's not til I got here that I realised how bloody exhausted I am. Holly and I managed a wee walk around town yesterday and that was it as I was sooooo tired.

I will be so glad to get home, back to my own bed and a tiny bit of normality cos lets face it, nothing about my life is normal really! LOL

Holly and I are going to Stirling today for a wee bit of shopping. A bit of retail therapy does a person the world of good, don't you think?

Hope all is well in your worlds my little gigglers.


  1. I've been hoping to see this good news, and I'm happy he's going home. Enjoy your retail therapy- you deserve it!

  2. Hi lyndy-lou - I agree, you certainly deserve some retail therapy after all you have been through during the past few weeks, worrying about Jack. Enjoy! I am so thrilled to hear that Jack will be going home over the weekend. It will be great for all of you to get back to some sort of normality. I pray that your gorgeous boy continues to improve. Hugs.

  3. Oh this is good news!! Go have some fun and buy a little something. You deserve it! And there is nothing like being at home and in your own bed. I can't wait for you to get there. Hugs.

  4. Yay....good news indeed. You deserve some major retail therapy.

    Hugs to all of you and blessings~

  5. Wonderful news! It is nice you are going shopping; sometimes it can be so relaxing. Have a good time.

  6. Good news my lyndy-lou!


  7. So glad Jack is out of hospital. Make sure you look after yourself and enjoy the planned down time.

  8. So glad that everything is improving and hope you get a break - and some well-deserved retail therapy - while you're all at the Rachel House xx

  9. Such wonderful news and I hope you had a lovely time shopping. Have been thinking about you guys often.
    Sending hugs

  10. I am so happy to hear Jack is recovering! and that you'll all be home soon.

    Retail therapy?! Absolutley! Have fun!

  11. I'm a bit late in reading this so I hope by now Jack is home and you are in your own place and getting settled. Shopping is a very good thing for any mood!!! Hope Jack is doing well. Hugs my friend!

  12. Oh,lyndy-lou!!!
    I also am a bit late to be here and I belive you are home with Jack by now and a bit comfortable at "home sweet home"☆☆☆
    We DO love shopping, don't we... and the way you said "Retail Therapy" gave me a bit of smile.
    Love and Lots of Hugs to you, Orchid*

  13. Well, I'm giggling with happiness to hear your good news!! Delighted your Jack are home now :-)

    xx Jazzy

  14. Hi Lyndylou,

    I found you from keeping up with the comments over at Looking for Blue Sky and thought I would come over and say hi. I too have a severely disabled son who is 8 and I find great comfort in reading and keeping up with other mum's blogs who are brave enough to blog about their feelings, sadness, happiness, frustration, amazement at living life when disabity in someone we love so dear is so prominent. Looking forward to reading more posts.

    Lynsey (

  15. Shelly - retail therapy was ace! Spent a fortune :)
    Thisisme - Going home is the best
    Lizbeth - My bed is my favourite place
    Sush - it was so much fun
    Belle - It was quite relaxing and I was comfortably tired at the end of the afternoon
    Lola - isn't it just!
    twilightgazing - I will try
    Looking for Blue Sky - me too
    Mynx - thank you, hugs to you too
    Kellie - yes we had so much bags to carry
    Bouncin' Barb - yes he is home, trying to settle back in
    Orchid - Retail therapy is the absolutely the best and so much fun
    Jazzygal - thank you :)
    Lynsey Summers - Hi there, thank you for leaving me a comment and I look forward to reading your posts too :)


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